Comprehensive Plan

This Plan updates and supersedes the previous Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1996.

The Plan, like its predecessor, is based on the directives of the Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994, and, as such, is intended to promote public health, safety, morals, convenience, prosperity and the general welfare of the Camden community. It is designed to serve as a guide to the physical, social, and economic growth, development and redevelopment of the city.

The City first adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 1969. Since then the City has maintained a comprehensive planning process and Comprehensive Plan, updating the document periodically to reflect change and retain relevancy. This document represents the fourth major revision and update of the initial 1969 Comprehensive Plan. Like the Comprehensive Plans before it, this Plan focuses principally on land use and physical development. This Plan, however, is broader in scope than earlier Plans, addressing in greater detail the seven planning elements defined by the Comprehensive Planning Act of 1994:

(1) Population Element
(2) Economic Development Element
(3) Natural Resources Element
(4) Cultural Resources Element
(5) Community Facilities Element
(6) Housing Element
(7) Land Use Element
(8) Transportation
(9) Priority Investment
(10) Land Use

The SC Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Enabling Act of 1994, as amended, requires that every ten years a local government must update its comprehensive plan in order to adequately plan for the development and redevelopment of the community. The plan must be formulated using a planning process that takes an inventory of existing conditions, makes a statement of needs and goals, and establishes strategies with timeframes for meeting those goals. The current comprehensive plan was approved by ordinance by City Council on January 22, 2019.

Goals & Objectives (added 1/23/24)

Element 1: Introduction (updated 1/23/24)

Element 2: Population (updated 1/23/24)

Element 3: Housing (updated 1/23/24)

Element 4: Economic Element

Element 5: Natural Resources Element

Element 6: Cultural Resources Element

Element 7: Community Facilities Element

Element 8: Transportation Element

Element 9: Priority Investment

Element 10: Land Use

Element 11: Resiliency (added 1/23/24)