Sanitation & Recycling
Green roll carts are for trash and recycling containers can be requested by calling at City Hall 803-432-2421. Questions or request for collection may be directed to our Sanitation Dept. at 803-425-6045. Download our Residential Sanitation Services brochure.
Sanitation fees are included in your monthly utility bill. Need help understanding your utility bill? Click here for a sample bill and explanation.
2025 Holiday Trash & Recycling Pick-Up
Services are provided year-round, Monday through Friday, with the exception of certain holidays. All holiday make up days are on the corresponding Wednesday. Roll carts should be placed at the curb the night before. Please note, pick up may occur before your designated pick up day. Changed days are as follows:
Independence Day (Friday, July 4): Trash pickup on Wednesday, July 2
Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 27): Trash pickup on Wednesday, November 26. Friday, November 28 is normal pick up.
Christmas (Thursday, December 25): Trash pickup on Wednesday, December 24. Friday, December 26 is normal pick up.
New Year’s Day (Thursday, January 1): Trash pickup on Wednesday, December 31.
A complete list of 2025 holidays when City offices are closed can be found here.
Household Garbage Pickup
The City of Camden has designated days for pick up of household garbage and recyclables once a week. Roll carts should be placed at the curb the night before your designated pick up day.
Backyard pickup is available to disabled homeowners, with written verification from their doctor, when no one in the home is able to assist in the placement of the roll cart at the curb. The doctor’s explanation should include the name and address of the resident. Your doctor can mail the completed form to: City of Camden, ATTN: Backyard Pickup, P.O. Box 7002, Camden, SC 29021 or fax to 803-425-7693.
Please contact 803-432-2421 to report damage to roll carts and recycling bins.
Curbside Recycling
Each residence is issued one recycling container. Collection is on the same day as household garbage. Please do not bag recyclables; place cardboard next to bin.
Items which may be recycled in the City of Camden include:
- Aluminum & steel cans
- Cardboard (no wax finish)
- Mixed paper (magazines, newspaper and inserts, catalogs,telephone books office paper, catalogs, unwanted mail; no shredded paper)
- Paperboard (cereal boxes and shoe boxes; please flatten)
- Paperboard canisters (coffee canisters, peanut containers, Pringles and similar snack containers, dough canisters)
- Plastic containers (#1 through #7; no plastic bags or wrap, loose lids or styrofoam)
To request a larger blue recycling roll cart, please complete this form and email to or mail it to the City of Camden at P.O. Box 7002, Camden, SC 29021. Kershaw County accepts some recyclables that the City of Camden cannot, including scrap metal, tires, used motor oil and filters, electronics and vehicle batteries. Find your nearest convenience center.
Trash (yard debris)
Trash (formerly referred to as yard debris) is refuse that cannot otherwise be classified as household garbage, i.e. grass clippings, leaves, shrub, tree parts smaller than 4”caliper and less than 5’ feet long and similar types of yard and other natural debris, must be kept separate from other garbage and refuse and placed at the front property line away from any storm drain, gutter, street or sidewalk.
Effective March 2024, it is unlawful for households and/or their employees, agents or contractors to place more than 8 cubic yards (see brochure) of trash for collection by the city. If it becomes necessary for the city to remove and properly dispose of trash in excess of 8 cubic yards, the property owner and/or occupant shall be charged 4 times the monthly sanitation fee per occurrence, pursuant to a schedule of rates adopted and approved by City Council, and will be billed to the residential utility bill in the next utility billing cycle.
It is unlawful to intermingle boxes, empty containers, scrap wood, metal, fabrics, furniture, appliances, electronics, and other types of waste with trash.
Contractors are responsible for disposal of the yard trimmings they generate. These trimmings will not be collected.
Bulk Waste & White Goods
Bulk waste and white goods up to 3 cubic yards in size may be collected from any residence a maximum of one time per month. Residents must schedule this collection by calling the city’s sanitation department at 803-425-6045. Residents shall be charged 4 times the monthly sanitation fee per collection, pursuant to a schedule of rates adopted and approved by City Council, and will be billed to the residential utility account in the following billing cycle.
Bulk waste or white goods shall be placed at the curb a maximum of 24 hours before the scheduled collection. The City will not collect building materials, construction debris, or electronics. If these items are found mixed with bulk waste, trash, or household garbage, the city will reject the entire collection.
Electronic Waste
Computers, monitors, printers, televisions, etc. cannot be placed in the trash for collection. These items may be taken to any Kershaw County Recycling Center for disposal. The City does not pick up large appliances with a cord.
For more information, visit the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control’s website on electronics disposal.