Updated Ordinance Regarding the Collection of Garbage and Refuse

The City of Camden has recently updated its ordinance regarding the collection of garbage and refuse from residents inside city limits.

The most significant change is in the collection of trash, formerly referred to as yard debris. All refuse that cannot otherwise be classified as household garbage is considered trash. It may include grass clippings, leaves, shrub, tree parts smaller than 4”caliper and less than 5’ feet long and similar types of yard and other natural debris.

Effective immediately, it is unlawful for households and/or their employees, agents or contractors to place more than 8 cubic yards (see image above) of trash for collection by the city. If it becomes necessary for the city to remove and properly dispose of trash in excess of 8 cubic yards, the property owner and/or occupant shall be charged 4 times the monthly sanitation fee per occurrence, pursuant to a schedule of rates adopted and approved by City Council, and will be billed to the residential utility bill in the next utility billing cycle. It is unlawful to intermingle boxes, empty containers, scrap wood, metal, fabrics, furniture, appliances, electronics, and other types of waste with trash.

Additionally, effective immediately, bulk waste and white goods up to 3 cubic yards in size may be collected from any residence a maximum of one time per month. Residents must schedule this collection by calling the city’s sanitation department. Residents shall be charged 4 times the monthly sanitation fee per collection, pursuant to a schedule of rates adopted and approved by City Council, and will be billed to the residential utility account in the following billing cycle.

See the complete ordinance pertaining to garbage, refuse and other matters related thereto, or download our Residential Sanitation Services brochure for information on collection of household garbage, recyclable materials and other items.
Please help us keep our city clean. Any questions or requests may be directed to our Sanitation Dept. at 803-425-6045.