Camden City Council will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM for the purpose of obtaining public comments concerning updates to the City of Camden Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing will be held in Council chambers at City Hall, 1000 Lyttleton Street.
The updates to the comprehensive plan were developed in compliance with the SC Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Enabling Act of 1994, as amended. The updated plan was recommended by the Planning Commission for adoption by City Council, pursuant to SC Code §6-29-530.
Copies of the proposed comprehensive plan are available for public review below and at City Hall.
Anyone having questions about the comprehensive plan, needing assistance due to sight impairment hearing impairment, or disability should contact Shawn Putnam at 803-432-2421 prior to the date of the meeting so that arrangements can be made to provide the specific assistance required.
Comprehensive Plan 5 year Review – Introduction
Comprehensive Plan 5 year Review – Goals, Objectives, and Implementation Strategies (GOIS)
Comprehensive Plan 5 year Review – Population
Comprehensive Plan 5 Year Review – Housing
Comprehensive Plan 5 Year Review – Resiliency
Comprehensive Plan Update Presentation – Population and Housing Elements