Small Business Workshop Summer Series Running June – August at Camden Library Branch
The City of Camden continues to host a summer series of small business workshops at the Camden branch of the Kershaw County Library. Kat Spadacenta, Community Development Coordinator, and representatives from the Library and Small Business Development Center will lead...
Kershaw County Ag+ Art Tour is Saturday & Sunday, June 1st & 2nd
The South Carolina Ag + Art Tour returns to Kershaw County June 1st and 2nd. This free, self-guided tour of farms and markets, and – this year – arts campuses, features local artisans and farmers at every stop. This year’s tour welcomes new farms, such as Marshall...
3rd Annual “Kids to Parks Day” in Kershaw County to Kick Off Library Summer Reading Passport Program
Kids to Parks Day returns to Kershaw County on Saturday, May 18, 2024. And this year, Kids to Parks Day serves as the launch to the Kershaw Community Quest, a Summer Passport to encourage reading, learning, outside activities, and engaging with your community. Kids to...
Public Hearing Regarding City of Camden’s Budget for FY24-25
Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. Section 6-1-80 (1976, as amended) and S.C. Code Ann. Section 6-1-330(A) (1976, as amended), the City Council of the City of Camden (the “City”), will conduct a public hearing (the “Hearing”) related to the City’s annual budget for the Fiscal...
Blankets & Bands Concert Series Begins April 18
Free concerts return to Town Green this spring, with a variety of music every other Thursday evening from April 18 to May 30. Get your blanket or lawn chair, family and friends, to enjoy live music outdoors. Bring a picnic dinner or grab some takeout from your...
Business License Renewals Due April 30, 2024
Persons engaged in any business, occupation or profession within the limits of the City of Camden are required to obtain a Camden Business License. Business Licenses are valid from May 1 to April 30 and must be renewed each year. Download the current renewal...
City of Camden Accommodations Tax Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Now Open
Accommodations Tax Grants provide financial support to nonprofits in Camden and Kershaw County, to fund tourism and tourism-related projects and events. These events should promote or contribute to overnight accommodations or hotel stays in Camden. Applications for...
Updated Ordinance Regarding the Collection of Garbage and Refuse
The City of Camden has recently updated its ordinance regarding the collection of garbage and refuse from residents inside city limits. The most significant change is in the collection of trash, formerly referred to as yard debris. All refuse that cannot otherwise be...
Public Hearing Regarding Development of Camden Training Center Property March 19
The City of Camden Planning Commission will have their next meeting on March 19, 2024 at 6:15 PM in Council Chambers at City Hall, 1000 Lyttleton Street. One item on the agenda is to conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed annexation and...
Development Impact Fees
On October 24, 2023, Camden City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2023-27 implementing development impact fees on new construction permits within the City of Camden. Beginning October 25, 2023, the City began collecting impact fees for the following categories: • Fire...