Leader’s Legacy Recognition

Camden was built on the contributions of many citizens, past and present. The City continues to be shaped and molded by the contributions of our residents and benefactors. Significant past, present and future contributions deserve to be recognized in some tangible and long-lasting form. The Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program provides an avenue for this recognition

Please complete and return the nomination form to:

City of Camden, Attention: City Manager
PO Box 7002
Camden, SC 29021

Or you can fax to (803) 424-2031. For more information call the City Manager (803) 432-2421.

See Past Recipients | Download the nomination form here.

Under the Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program, an individual is recognized for significant contributions by placement of a bench on public property within (or owned by) the City of Camden. A bench will include a plaque identifying the individual for whom the bench is placed. A dedication ceremony led and attended by City officials will formally introduce the bench and provide an opportunity for public recognition.


The Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program provides a vehicle of appropriate magnitude to recognize individuals in various locations for many years to come. Initiation and maintenance costs are nominal yet the program will provide a long – lasting tribute to individuals’ contributions. Further, by virtue of the public recognition associated with the dedication of a bench, the program also encourages additional contributions by residents.


Camden has many locations that could benefit from the addition of benches. City parks, green space and municipal buildings such as City Hall and the Archives and Museum buildings are among the possible sites for benches. Additionally, sidewalk areas in front of certain commercial/private properties, such as the downtown area, may serve as an appropriate location for benches.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Past and present residents and notable benefactors of the City of Camden, living or deceased, will be considered for recognition. Individuals recognized by the Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program, are by definition, those of integrity and strong character. The City desires to hold up as model citizens those who have not only made significant contributions to the City, but who have also demonstrated by their positive actions and words that they are worthy of representing Camden in the positive manner desired by all.

Candidates must be citizens in good standing and must have one or more significant contributions to the City. A “significant contribution” is subjective; however, a significant contribution generally improves the quality of life for all citizens of the City in some manner. The City Council will make the final determination of whether a contribution is significant for purposes of considering a candidate for recognition via this Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program.


By ensuring a high standard for the Program, the City ensures only positive role models are continually recognized. Individuals who, subsequent to recognition with a bench, are determined to be ineligible for a bench due to revelations of questionable character, integrity or any other reasonable concern of the City, will have their bench revoked. Such revelations include those events that occurred before or after recognition via the Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program. Revocation will occur at the action of the City Council.

Individuals who have been honored with a bench and later determined to fall out of compliance with the requirements for eligibility will have their bench revoked. The revocation process will include removal and destruction of the plaque and replacement of the recognition bench with a standard bench. The recognition bench may be reused at an alternate location for a future recognition event.

Nomination and Selection Process

Any citizen of Camden may nominate an individual for the Leader’s Legacy Recognition Program. The nomination process involves completing a nomination form outlining the contributions of the individual and rationale for recognition; and then securing a City Sponsor that will support the nomination of the individual. City Sponsors are the members of the City Council or the City Manager. City Sponsors undertake the responsibility of preliminarily assessing the proposed nomination and then networking it outside of City Council meeting forums for consideration before a formal presentation to the City Council as an action item. The rationale for informally networking the proposed nomination prior to formal discussion and vote is to spare potential public embarrassment for an individual who may not be supported by the majority.

Based on the results of informal networking, the City Sponsor determines whether or not to place the nomination on a City Council meeting agenda for discussion and an official vote. An individual will be recognized with a bench upon passage of a Resolution by an affirmative vote by a majority of City Council.

The City Sponsor is responsible for securing a minimum of half the expense of the total actual costs. This may be done by with private donations from individuals or businesses. The City of Camden will match up to fifty percent of the total actual cost.

The City of Camden and the Parks and Trees Commission will work together to determine the exact placement of the beach as well as plan a dedication ceremony that includes the recognized individual and an appropriate number of family and friends, City elected officials and appropriate staff and the media.

Estimated Costs

The estimated cost as of September 2022 for each bench is estimated as follows:

Item Est. Cost
     Bench $1,850.00
     Engraved Plaque $450.00
Total Bench Cost $2,300.00
 Dedication Ceremony $200.00
 TOTAL EST. COST $2,500.00


Note: The costs provided are estimates only. The Sponsor will be responsible for securing, through public or private contributors, one half of the total actual costs. These funds are to be submitted to the City prior to the installation of the bench. The City of Camden will match up to fifty percent of the total actual cost.

Maintenance costs are expected to be nominal as no active maintenance is required. The City Council should consider some number of initial benches (e.g., two or three), and then identify a steady-state expectation (e.g., one or two per year) for budget purposes. Alternate sources of funding such as donations by individuals or organizations should be encouraged as well.