Parks and Trees Comission

The functions of the Parks and Trees Commission (as designated by Section 32.86 of the City Code, adopted July 12, 2011) shall be to assist the City Manager or his designee with the following duties: Arbor Day ceremony; periodic review and recommendations for revision to the public tree care ordinance; provide suggestions/recommendations for park improvements; advice regarding tree and plant issues within the parks, publicly owned property and rights-of-way within the City; and administer the Margot Rochester Landscape Award in conjunction with the City.

The Commission shall consist of not more than seven (7) residents of the city. The term of office for each member of the Commission shall be three (3) years. Any individual who has served as a member of the Commission for three (3) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for appointment to another term until one (1) year has passed, provided that a term of less than one (1) year shall not be counted in determining eligibility for reappointment. Terms of office shall be staggered so that one-third (1/3) of the members’ terms will terminate every third year; provided that each member of the Commission shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and duly installed. The term of office of members shall end on May 31.

The Commission shall keep records or minutes of its proceedings and recommendations. The Commission shall make an annual report to the City Manager or his designee. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among its members. The term of the Chairman and other officers shall be one (1) year with eligibility for reelection. It shall appoint a Secretary. The Commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its recommendations, transactions, findings, and determinations. It shall meet at the call of the Chairman and at such times as the Chairman or Commission may determine. All meetings of the Commission at which official action is taken shall be open to the public and all records of the Commission shall be of public record.

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