This year’s Nationals will once again be in Camden and using the new grounds north of town. This year, trials will be on Friday and Saturday. The dates will be April 10th through April 12th in historic Camden, SC.
Activities begin on Thursday with the arrival of the judges and volunteer workers. Handlers arriving Thursday may check in at the City Arena with Elaine Baker. Enjoy the annual “Knock the Dust Off” oyster roast and BBQ. This is a fun event and a great way to prepare you for the rest of the weekend. It is here that the weekend really starts, and many old friends meet and enjoy the smoky goodness of BBQ and the salty brine of oysters along with a chilled glass of wine or beer. This year’s oyster roast will be hosted in the stunning Kershaw-Cornwallis house and rose garden. The Kershaw-Cornwallis house is the large white Georgian-style house on the hill behind the City Arena.
All fieldwork begins on Friday morning. We will again utilize staggered starting times for each stake, with Novice beginning at 8:00 am, followed by Puppy, then Intermediate, and finally Open. Please note that we will host a mandatory handler meeting on Friday at 7:30 am in the City Arena again. Any questions and last-minute changes will be addressed here. We will have communications between Marshalls at each stake so that the progress of each stake can be monitored, and handlers are informed when they are needed at another stake.
Friday evening highlights the BSS Nationals Banquet and cocktail party at the City Arena in Camden. The Banquet is a once-a-year opportunity to gather with other Boykin owners, brag about your dog, or commiserate with folks who genuinely understand. We offer a fantastic meal along with auction opportunities to grab some one-of-a-kind Boykin art, or that hunting/fishing trip you always wanted. If you’re lucky, the raffles are always enjoyable and feature different hunting, dog gear, and other miscellaneous items.
Preregistration is required for entries, Banquet, and oyster roast tickets, $60 per ticket for banquet and oyster roast.